2016-05-05  2016-05-05-ccdl1

Score tables  PBN  CSV file  More information

4 tables, 7 pairs, 1 phantom pair. Number of boards: 21. Average: 21,0. Bye (*) awards recorded percentage. 

Rank  Pair  Score       %  Tie  Name                       

   1     4   26,8 *  63,8       CLAUDIO - GUILHERME B G    
   2     8   24,5 *  58,3       J BARBOSA - FERNANDO T     
   3     3   21,0 *  50,0       L RONALDO - EMILIO         
   4     6   19,8 *  47,1  2    DIRETORA - M LUIZA B O     
   5     5   19,8 *  47,1  0    RUI SANTOS - PEDRO SAAVEDRA

   6     1   17,5 *  41,7  2    FERNANDO C - ASSIS         
   7     2   17,5 *  41,7  0    LUCIA M - CARU             


1      AKJ986                         2      J109          
North  KQ10876                        East   A82           
None   9                              N-S    Q             
       ---                                   AJ10852       
7             1054                    Q             K87532 
94            A                       J64           K1075  
AQJ8764       K2                      A98432        106    
1096          AQJ8543                 K96           Q      
       Q32                                   A64           
       J532                                  Q93           
       1053                                  KJ75          
       K72                                   743           

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 4  2  5Sx N  =   650      2,0 0,0     8  1  4C  N -2      -200  2,0 0,0
 6  5  4S  N +2   480      1,0 1,0     4  2  3N  S -3      -300  0,5 1,5
 8  1  5S  N  =   450      0,0 2,0     6  5  3N  S -3      -300  0,5 1,5
--  3                 Bye      1,0    --  3                 Bye      1,0


3      J984                           4      K108          
South  Q105                           West   AQ1085        
E-W    93                             All    102           
       AK95                                  Q107          
---         AKQ106532                 4             QJ65   
KJ9432        7                       KJ976432      ---    
762           A8                      KJ9           AQ7654 
10743         86                      9             K62    
       7                                     A9732         
       A86                                   ---           
       KQJ1054                               83            
       QJ2                                   AJ8543        

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 6  5  4Sx E -1   200      2,0 0,0     8  2  4Hx W -4  1100      2,0 0,0
 8  1  5Dx S -1      -100  1,0 1,0     5  3  5Sx S +1  1050      1,0 1,0
 4  2  2S  E +1      -140  0,0 2,0     1  4  4Hx W -3   800      0,0 2,0
--  3                 Bye      1,0    --  6                 Bye      0,9


5      K93                            6      KQJ72         
North  5                              East   54            
N-S    Q108742                        E-W    KQ65          
       K98                                   K4            
A7            J542                    85            104    
KJ9762        843                     AK763         108    
65            AK9                     93            J10874 
Q105          J62                     8753          J1062  
       Q1086                                 A963          
       AQ10                                  QJ92          
       J3                                    A2            
       A743                                  AQ9           

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 5  3  4D  N -1      -100  2,0 0,0     8  2  4S  S +2   480      2,0 0,0
 1  4  3H  W  =      -140  1,0 1,0     1  4  4S  S +1   450      1,0 1,0
 8  2  4D  N -2      -200  0,0 2,0     5  3  6S  S -1       -50  0,0 2,0
--  6                 Bye      0,9    --  6                 Bye      0,9


7      AK10852                        8      865           
South  A8                             West   A1032         
All    J8                             None   AQJ10         
       Q76                                   A8            
Q963          J4                      AKJ92         1074   
6             Q9543                   8765          QJ4    
AK1043        965                     9             K732   
1043          852                     632           K94    
       7                                     Q3            
       KJ1072                                K9            
       Q72                                   8654          
       AKJ9                                  QJ1075        

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 8  3  3N  N +1   630      2,0 0,0     8  3  2N  N  =   120      2,0 0,0
 6  4  3N  S  =   600      1,0 1,0     2  5  3C  N  =   110      1,0 1,0
 2  5  4S  N -1      -100  0,0 2,0     6  4  2N  N -1       -50  0,0 2,0
 1 --                 Bye  0,8         1 --                 Bye  0,8


9      AK9                            10     K92           
North  1082                           East   A82           
E-W    AJ8653                         All    AQJ           
       A                                     AK87          
10873         QJ6542                  QJ85          A643   
K97           J3                      J6            Q97543 
10            KQ9                     K53           96     
Q10875        62                      10542         9      
       ---                                   107           
       AQ654                                 K10           
       742                                   108742        
       KJ943                                 QJ63          

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 8  3  4Sx E -3   800      2,0 0,0     2  1  3N  N +2   660      1,0 1,0
 6  4  3N  S +1   430      1,0 1,0     3  6  3N  S +2   660      1,0 1,0
 2  5  3N  N  =   400      0,0 2,0     8  4  3N  N +2   660      1,0 1,0
 1 --                 Bye  0,8        --  5                 Bye      0,9


11     A10                            12     J93           
South  AKJ63                          West   987643        
None   Q42                            N-S    4             
       J109                                  J65           
K982          QJ765                   AQ82          10765  
Q974          82                      2             QJ105  
K             763                     AK92          Q3     
5432          K86                     A1072         KQ9    
       43                                    K4            
       105                                   AK            
       AJ10985                               J108765       
       AQ7                                   843           

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 3  6  3N  S +2   460      2,0 0,0     2  1  4S  W +1      -450  1,0 1,0
 2  1  3N  S -1       -50  0,5 1,5     3  6  4S  W +1      -450  1,0 1,0
 8  4  3N  S -1       -50  0,5 1,5     8  4  4S  W +1      -450  1,0 1,0
--  5                 Bye      0,9    --  5                 Bye      0,9


13     Q107432                        14     K107          
North  AK                             East   J82           
All    7                              None   K8532         
       A1096                                 64            
J95           A8                      AJ986         Q2     
872           653                     K54           Q96    
AQ98          J6432                   ---           QJ10976
K42           875                     KJ872         109    
       K6                                    543           
       QJ1094                                A1073         
       K105                                  A4            
       QJ3                                   AQ53          

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 3  2  4S  N +1   650      2,0 0,0     1  6  3D  E -1    50      2,0 0,0
 8  5  4S  N  =   620      1,0 1,0     8  5  3H  N -1       -50  1,0 1,0
 1  6  3N  S -2      -200  0,0 2,0     3  2  2Dx E  =      -180  0,0 2,0
 4 --                 Bye  1,3         4 --                 Bye  1,3


15     A4                             16     AJ7           
South  543                            West   A4            
N-S    9543                           E-W    A1032         
       J864                                  10853         
K853          J102                    4             K1092  
Q             AJ1082                  J95           Q107   
Q106          82                      J876          KQ4    
Q7532         A109                    KJ642         A97    
       Q976                                  Q8653         
       K976                                  K8632         
       AKJ7                                  95            
       K                                     Q             

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 1  6  2D  S  =    90      1,0 1,0     4  3  2S  N +1   140      1,0 1,0
 3  2  2D  S  =    90      1,0 1,0     5  1  2H  S +1   140      1,0 1,0
 8  5  1N  S  =    90      1,0 1,0     8  6  2S  S +1   140      1,0 1,0
 4 --                 Bye  1,3         2 --                 Bye  0,8


17     92                             18     A10642        
North  10987                          East   6             
None   632                            N-S    1072          
       AJ62                                  AJ104         
QJ53          K10764                  KJ853         97     
KQ64          52                      A4            KQJ92  
KJ5           1094                    654           AKQ9   
KQ            1075                    KQ3           92     
       A8                                    Q             
       AJ3                                   108753        
       AQ87                                  J83           
       9843                                  8765          

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 5  1  1Nx S -1      -100  2,0 0,0     4  3  3N  W +1      -430  1,5 0,5
 4  3  2S  E +1      -140  1,0 1,0     8  6  3N  W +1      -430  1,5 0,5
 8  6  1N  S -3      -150  0,0 2,0     5  1  3N  W +2      -460  0,0 2,0
 2 --                 Bye  0,8         2 --                 Bye  0,8


19     KJ632                          20     1087          
South  A832                           West   9             
E-W    432                            All    AK3           
       7                                     AKJ1052       
Q10           985                     Q6            K9532  
975           KJ1064                  K1087         AQ32   
Q876          K10                     Q9742         J86    
A865          KJ4                     Q4            8      
       A74                                   AJ4           
       Q                                     J654          
       AJ95                                  105           
       Q10932                                9763          

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score      Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 3  1  2S  N +1   140      2,0 0,0     3  1  4H  W -2   200      2,0 0,0
 6  2  4S  N -1       -50  1,0 1,0     5  4  3C  N +2   150      0,5 1,5
 5  4  4S  N -2      -100  0,0 2,0     6  2  2C  N +3   150      0,5 1,5
 8 --                 Bye  1,2         8 --                 Bye  1,2


21     KJ106         
North  J7            
N-S    K874          
9872          43     
AQ1062        954    
5             Q106   
1053          AJ984  

 Pair  Contr       Result   Score 
 3  1  3N  S +1   630      1,5 0,5
 6  2  3N  S +1   630      1,5 0,5
 5  4  2N  S  =   120      0,0 2,0
 8 --                 Bye  1,2

Score tables  PBN  CSV file  More information

PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.