2015-07-18  2015-07-18sabado

Score tables  PBN  CSV file  More information

7 tables, 13 pairs, 1 phantom pair. Number of boards: 12. Average: 12,0. Bye (*) awards recorded percentage. 
Total score levelled - some pairs («) have played fewer boards than others. 

     Rank  Pair  Score       %  Tie    Name                     Count

N-S     1     2   14,9 *  62,1  0,627  VITTORIO - ISRAEL           12
        2     4   14,9 «  62,3  0,672  MARCEL - FERNANDO T         11 «
        3     5   12,2 «  50,9         BETTY - SIV                 11 «
        4     1   11,7 *  48,8         THEA - GUNTHER SCHON        12
        5     7   11,6 *  48,3         GENYTA - MONICA MANGIA      12

        6     6   10,8 «  45,0         CHRISTINA - ROBERTO C       11 «
        7     3    9,7 «  40,5         MARLENE - MEGGIOLARO        11 «

E-W     1    11   15,1 «  62,7         EDITH - SUSAN               11 «
        2    15   13,3    55,4  0,726  MARIA TERESA - DIRETORA     12
        3    14   13,3 «  55,5  0,759  MANOLO - HENRIQUE           11 «
        4    13   13,0 «  54,1         MARIA CECILIA - MARISE      11 «
        5    16   10,1    42,1         TERESA - DUDA               12

        6    12    8,5 «  35,5         ALBA - ANTONIO CARLOS       11 «


Board:  1                           Board:  2                           Board:  3                       
Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
6 14  3N  N +1  430      1,5 0,5    1 11  4H  W +1     -450  1,5 0,5    1 11  3D  N +1  130      1,0 1,0
7 16  3N  N +1  430      1,5 0,5    7 16  4H  W +1     -450  1,5 0,5    6 14  2D  N +2  130      1,0 1,0
1 11  2S  S +1  140      0,0 2,0    6 14  4Hx W +1     -690  0,0 2,0    7 16  4D  S  =  130      1,0 1,0


Board:  4                           Board:  5                           Board:  6                       
Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
7 16  1N  S +1  120      1,8 0,3    2 12  2N  W +2     -180  1,8 0,3    2 12  3H  S  =  140      1,8 0,3
1 11  1N  S -1     -100  0,3 1,8    7 15  3N  W +2     -460  0,3 1,8    7 15  3C  N -2     -100  0,3 1,8
                                    1 --                Bye  1,0        1 --                Bye  1,0


Board:  7                           Board:  8                           Board:  9                       
Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
2 12  3S  W -1  100      1,0 1,0    2 12  3N  W -1   50      1,8 0,3    1 16  3S  S  =  140      1,5 0,5
7 15  4S  W -1  100      1,0 1,0    7 15  3N  W  =     -400  0,3 1,8    3 13  3S  S  =  140      1,5 0,5
1 --                Bye  1,0        1 --                Bye  1,0        2 11  3H  W +1     -170  0,0 2,0


Board:  10                          Board:  11                          Board:  12                      
Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
1 16  3N  S +1  630      2,0 0,0    2 11  4H  N +1  450      2,0 0,0    3 13  5C  N  =  600      2,0 0,0
2 11  3N  S  =  600      1,0 1,0    1 16  3S  E +1     -170  1,0 1,0    1 16  4C  S +1  150      0,5 1,5
3 13  1N  N +2  150      0,0 2,0    3 13  4S  E  =     -420  0,0 2,0    2 11  3C  S +2  150      0,5 1,5


Board:  13                          Board:  14                          Board:  15                      
Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
4 14  3S  W -1  100      1,8 0,3    3 12  3H  W +1     -170  1,0 1,0    4 14  3H  S -1     -100  1,8 0,3
3 12  3N  N -1     -100  0,3 1,8    4 14  2H  W +2     -170  1,0 1,0    3 12  1D  W +2     -110  0,3 1,8
2 --                Bye  1,3        2 --                Bye  1,3        2 --                Bye  1,3


Board:  16                          Board:  17                          Board:  18                      
Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
3 12  4S  S  =  420      1,8 0,3    5 15  3S  W -2  100      2,0 0,0    3 11  1N  W +4     -210  2,0 0,0
4 14  2S  S +2  170      0,3 1,8    4 13  2S  E  =     -110  1,0 1,0    4 13  4H  W +1     -450  1,0 1,0
2 --                Bye  1,3        3 11  1Nx S -2     -300  0,0 2,0    5 15  3N  W +3     -490  0,0 2,0


Board:  19                          Board:  20                          Board:  21                      
Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
4 13  4C  W +1     -150  1,5 0,5    5 15  3N  N +2  660      1,8 0,3    4 12  5C  E +1     -420  2,0 0,0
5 15  4C  W +1     -150  1,5 0,5    4 13  3Hx W -2  500      0,3 1,8    5 14  3N  E +3     -490  0,5 1,5
3 11  4Sx N -2     -300  0,0 2,0                                        6 16  3N  W +3     -490  0,5 1,5


Board:  22                          Board:  23                          Board:  24                      
Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
4 12  4H  S  =  420      2,0 0,0    5 14  1N  E +1     -120  2,0 0,0    6 16  2S  S +1  140      1,8 0,3
6 16  3S  E -2  200      1,0 1,0    4 12  3D  E +1     -130  1,0 1,0    5 14  1H  N +1  110      0,3 1,8
5 14  3H  N  =  140      0,0 2,0    6 16  3N  W +1     -630  0,0 2,0


Board:  25                          Board:  26                          Board:  27                      
Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score     Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
5 13  3N  N +4  520      1,0 1,0    5 13  1S  S +2  140      1,8 0,3    6 15  3N  S +2  460      1,8 0,3
6 15  5N  N +2  520      1,0 1,0    6 15  3S  S -1     -100  0,3 1,8    5 13  5C  S  =  400      0,3 1,8
7 --                Bye  1,0        7 --                Bye  1,0        7 --                Bye  1,0


Board:  28                      
Pair  Contr      Result   Score 
6 15  5D  W  =     -400  1,0 1,0
7 --                Bye  1,0

Score tables  PBN  CSV file  More information

PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.